Vote Lamont Jones for Mayor

Your Vote Builds the Vision

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Your Vote, Your Voice...

Lamont Jones

New Vision

New Voice

New Direction

Lamont D. Jones is a respected entrepreneur and community leader who is a native of Harrisburg and a proud graduate of Harrisburg High.

He is the founder & CEO of Jones Resources, LLC, which has garnered regional acclaim for reimagining workforce development initiatives, promoting entrepreneurship, and empowering hard-to-place residents with transformative job readiness training.

A Mandate for Change

Creating Stronger Communities

Increasing public safety by empowering neighborhoods and

deploying innovative and evidence-based approaches.

Restoring Integrity

Rebuilding trust with open and accountable leadership with an emphasis on transparency and community engagement.

Intergovernmental Collaboration

Working jointly with members of City Council, the HBG

School District, and our county, state and local officials to advance commonsense and

bipartisan public policy.


Proven Experience

Previously occupied an executive leadership role with a regionally acclaimed grassroots non-profit organization where I spearheaded efforts to tackle gun violence, behavioral health and substance abuse issues head-on.

A recognized authority on educating the community about civics, voting rights and fostering healthy constituent-public official relations.

Considerable experience coordinating political campaigns, including the development of strategic partnerships and driving impactful voter engagement and advocacy efforts.

Garnered regional acclaim for reimagining workforce development initiatives, promoting entrepreneurship and empowering hard-to-place residents (i.e. veterans, reentrants, the unhoused, et al.) with transformative job readiness training.

Led and assisted with coordinating statewide advocacy efforts on issues gun violence, public safety and restorative justice with unparalleled dedication.

Serves as a senior member of the Dauphin County Prison Community Advisory Committee, where I have led efforts to develop institutional policy and advocate for justice and rehabilitation.

Elected to Harrisburg City Council in 2023, and has been making impactful strides in local governance, community engagement and creating safer neighborhoods.

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